Sunday, July 25, 2010

Safe Sweet Safe

The photo above is a stake knife I took after the dinner we had when everyone arrived at the Embassy Suits. We were all checked for any illegal stuff some of us might have had. They ended up taking someones cigarette pack and one person's knitting needles. They grouped us together by fours and gave us separate rooms. I was lucky to get one of the suits and for free!

I know I shouldn't be writing this, but I hope this never ends yet. I ended up taking the couch with my other roommate Dean while Frankie took the bedroom with another girl we were grouped with named Sara. We were all given a curfew and that we were free to get some small things like coffee supplies and some bread down in the cupboards within the breakfast area. So far it's been a nice distraction from the wild crap happening outside. There's been some people who've been arriving at the hotel entrance, but they were forced to either go to another safe house or face living it out in the streets.

It's barely been a whole day within this hotel, and some people were already gossiping about what might be going on out there. Some war or a plague. I think it's obviously a plague. I mean I'm a prick when it comes to stating out the obvious, and what we have here is a possible outbreak of the living dead. Hell, half the people in the groups we were taken with from the suburbs didn't seemed all that shocked when a group of horribly disfigured people came running down upon us with horrible screeching and some of them suffering very major injuries.

So if Max Brooks and George Romero has taught me anything; being naive was the same as being dead.

Last night I took some footage right before our curfew started with Sara's camera. Just a small tour of what the inside of the hotel looked like, and I think I actually got some sound footage of either a zombie or a person in need being forced away.

Anyway, will write more later...

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